Yesterday was Alien Abduction Day, so a website put out a list of the states with the highest likelihood of an alien abduction.
To do it, they analyzed data from the National UFO Reporting Center, and other “digital media reports.”
In the end, they found that California is the state with the HIGHEST likelihood of being abducted by aliens with one UFO sighting for every 1,075 people.
Here’s the rest of the Top 10:
2. Washington
3. Florida
4. Oregon . . . So, the Pacific Coast is fully represented.
5. New York
6. Texas
7. Pennsylvania
8. Arizona
9. Colorado
10. Nevada . . . which of course is the home of Area 51.
The bottom 10 are: Louisiana, which was dead last with just one UFO sighting per 3,815 people. Then Mississippi . . . Alabama . . . Virginia . . . New Jersey . . . Maryland . . . Tennessee . . . Illinois . . . North Carolina . . . and North Dakota.