I have a bit of a fascination with alligators. I don’t know why exactly. Probably just that they could totally eat me and its a sense of danger getting a little close to one in the wild. Plus its cool to see wild animals just chillin' and doing animal stuff. So I try to adventure around the area almost every weekend.
Recently we went to the Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive because it had good ratings and its free. And let me tell you, if you like gators, so far this is the place with the most wild ones I’ve seen. In fact we saw a big ‘un within the first 100 feet of driving through the gate, before we even got to the welcome area where they hand you a map! Yep, there’s that many gators there just doing gator stuff.
So here are some pics and videos I got from our adventure. But if you go, watch out for ANTS! I heard they were carpenter ants, but the bites felt like fire ants. And they still fell like fire ants days later. Plus there are ant hills like every 10 feet so just watch where you step. (See the pic of my ankles below.)
First here’s a couple short videos of gators being all gatory. They’re both of the gator laid out on the bank in the pics below, this was him swimming up to and then crawling out onto the bank from the water. Check out all this hot gator action!

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